
An Aggregate Dashboard is used by setting kind: "aggregate" in the specification when instantiating a Dashboard object.

Aggregate dashboards group objects in a collection by a set of up to four dimensions (one or two in the x-axis, one or two in the y-axis), to produce a table of aggregate values. Dimensions are set up by services, and are designed to be flexibly re-used between dashboards.


In addition to the standard specification options, aggregate dashboard specifications also include:

Dimension properties x, y, outerX, and outerY.

These are the dashboard’s dimensions, and in almost all cases they would be service api codes). By convention of the form NAMESPACE:reporting-aggregate-dimension:NAME.

The service should return an array of objects, each of which specifies properties for a row or column across this dimension:

Property Description
title The title for the row or column
filter A function taking a select query argument. Use to select relevant collection rows
value (optional) The value to select for in the collection
groupByFact (optional) The fact to select on

The value and groupByFact properties will match those used in the filter select query, and trigger an optimisation when the dimension is used in the y-axis.

property aggregate (optional)

The SQL aggregation function to use. Defaults to COUNT.

property fact (optional)

The collection fact to aggregate over.

property formatter (optional)

The output format for aggregate values.


P.respond("GET,POST", "/do/example-plugin/count-books-by-department", [
], function(E) {
        kind: "aggregate",
        collection: "books",
        name: "books_by_department",
        title: "Total books per department",
        x: "eg:reporting-aggregate-dimension:book-type",
        y: "eg:reporting-aggregate-dimension:departments"