
Models are declared by a plugin in a service metadata file, which specifies a service name. Multiple plugins then implement that service to build up the model.

Service metadata file

The plugin which ‘owns’ the model declares it in the file/__service-metadata__.json file:

    "example:data:setup-model:example:project": {
        "statements": [
            "conforms-to haplo:data-import-framework:setup-model"
        "metadata": {
            "name": "example:project",
            "title": "Project",
            "description": "Information about projects things associated with those projects."

This file specifies the service name, "example:data:setup-model:example:project" in this case, and the name, title and description to describe the model.

Model definitions

One or more plugins then implements the named service:

    function(model) {
        // Model definition is set up here

To setup the model, model.addDestination(spec) is called repeatedly to add the Destinations.

The spec has common properties, and then kind specific properties. The common properties are:

name Name of the Destination
title Human readable name of the Destination. The string will have NAME() interpolated
displaySort A numeric sorting value to order the Destinations when displaying information about the model in the admin UI
kind The kind of Destination
optional If true, then this Destination does not have to be completed by the control file
depends The name of another Destination that this Destination depends on

“object” Destination kind

The "object" Destination kind specifies an object in the object store. As well as the common properties, it has:

objectType The type of object this represents
objectDependsWithAttribute (optional) If the depends property is set, then the attribute in the dependency which links to the Target object
without (optional) An array of API codes for attributes that shouldn’t be included in the Destination
objectAttributesOverride (optional) A dictionary of attribute API code to Name specification to override the automatic definition of Names from the schema.

For example:

    name: "phd:project",
    title: "NAME(Doctoral Research Project) record",
    depends: "profile",
    kind: "object",
    optional: true,
    objectType: T.DoctoralResearchProject,
    objectDependsWithAttribute: A.Researcher,
    without: [

“dictionary” Destination kind

The "dictionary" Destination kind uses a plain JavaScript Object as the target, and the model definition needs to provide methods to read and populate the Target. In addition to the common properties, it has:

dictionaryNames An object with the names of the Names as keys, and descriptions of the Name as the value. (see below)
tryLoadDestinationTarget A function which given the load information, returns a new Target. Return undefined if it’s not possible to load the target
tryMakeTargetAvailableForDependency A function which given the dependency name and dependent Target, returns a new Target. Return undefined if it’s not possible to load the target
commit A function which given a Target, the Destination name, and a Transformation object, commits the Target to whatever database it’s stored in

The dictionaryNames values contain properties:

description Human readable description of this Name
type Data type
required (optional) If true, this Name must have a value for the Transformation to succeed
multivalue (optional) If true, this Name is multivalue, and will be stored in the Target as an Array of values

For example:

    name: "phd:project:supervisors",
    title: "NAME(Doctoral Research Project) supervisors",
    depends: "phd:project",
    displaySort: 1001,
    optional: true,
    kind: "dictionary",
    tryLoadDestinationTarget: function(loadInfo) {
        // TODO: Load target
        return {};
    tryMakeTargetAvailableForDependency: function(dependencyName, dependencyTarget) {
        // TODO: Load target given the dependencyTarget
        return {};
    commit: function(target, destinationName, transformation) {
        // TODO: Store target in database
    dictionaryNames: {
        supervisor: {
            description: "Supervisor",
            type: "string",
            multivalue: true