HTTPClient interface

A JavaScript object implementing the HTTPClient interface represents an HTTP client that can be used to make an HTTP request.


Use O.httpClient() in your plugin.


function url(string)

Reset the URL to the provided string.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function method(string)

Change the HTTP method. The default is GET.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function agent(string)

Changes the HTTP user-agent sent to the server to the provided string.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function bodyParameter(name, value)

Adds a body parameter to be sent in the HTTP request, with the given name and value. Body parameters are the traditional place to put parameters for POST requests.

Note that multiple values of the same parameter can be used; this method can be called several times with the same name, and all instances of the parameter will be sent.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function queryParameter(name, value)

Adds a query parameter to the URL, in addition to any specified in the URL string.

Note that multiple values of the same parameter can be used; this method can be called several times with the same name, and all instances of the parameter will be sent.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function body(mimeType, string)

Provides a raw string as the body of the request, with the specified MIME type.

If body parameters have been specified using the bodyParameter() method, then they will be sent and the raw string provided to this method will not be used.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function header(name, value)

Adds a raw HTTP header to the request.

The Content-Length and Host headers may not be overridden.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function retryDelay(seconds)

Overrides the delay in seconds between retries, if the HTTP request fails in a manner that may get better in future. The default is 60 seconds.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function redirectLimit(count)

Overrides the number of redirects that will be followed when attempting to perform a request. This limit is set to prevent the HTTP client from trying to follow an infinite loop. The default is 10.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function useCredentialsFromKeychain(name)

Enables HTTP authentication for the request, using credentials from the specified entry in the Keychain.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function useClientCertificateFromKeychain(name)

Authenticates with the remote server using a TLS (SSL) client certificate, using the specified X.509 Certificate and Key in the Keychain.

Returns the HTTP client, so configuration methods can be chained.

function mutableCopy()

Makes a clone of this HTTP client. Even if the client is immutable (eg, request() has already been called on it), the copy returned will be mutable and can be configured then used for future requests.

function request(callbackDescriptor, callbackData)

Perform the HTTP request.

The callbackDescriptor is a callback descriptor returned by P.callback().

The callbackData is an arbitrary JSON-serialisable value, which is passed to the callback when it is invoked.

The HTTPClient may not be modified after the request has been sent. The only method it is valid to call upon it is mutableCopy().

When the HTTP request is complete, whether it has failed or succeeded, the callback is invoked with callbackData, a copy of the HTTPClient that the callback may call mutableCopy() on if it wants to make further similar requests, and an HTTPResponse object representing the response.