Notes feature
The notes feature adds a simple notes system to the built-in transition UI, and displays them in the timeline. Users can also enter notes at any time.
You can optionally use ‘private’ notes which are only visible to a subset of participants in the process.
The last few days of notes will be added to the notification emails.
To add notes to a workflow where everyone but the “researcher” user can see private notes:
EgWorkflow.use("std:notes", { canSeePrivateNotes: function(M, user) { return !M.hasRole(user, "researcher"); } });
The second argument to use()
is the configuration, which has properties:
key canSeePrivateNotes
function(M, user)
taking the workflow instance and the user.
Return true if the user can see private notes.
key canAddNonTransitionNote
function(M, user)
taking the workflow instance and the user.
Return true if the user can add notes at any time in the process.
The notes system uses configurable text to explain private notes to users.
Note this, and the ‘private’ name, can be configured globally using the NAME() system.
The following names are searched.
Normal notes explanation in transition UI
- notes-explanation-everyone:transition-ui
- notes-explanation-everyone
Private notes explanation in transition UI
- notes-explanation-private:transition-ui
- notes-explanation-private
Private notes explanation in ad-hoc note UI
- notes-explanation-private:add-note
- notes-explanation-private