Publication Definition
A publication is a public interface to a Haplo system. Data is exposed through a publication by application code.
The behaviour of a publication is defined using the publication interface.
Registering a new publication
Plugins register a new publication by calling P.webPublication.register()
, with std:web-publisher
in the plugin’s use
list in plugin.json
. The publication requires a service user to be assigned in order to handle requests.
function register(hostname)
Registers a new publication with the parameter as a hostname. This returns the publication object so is suitable for chaining.
Example usage:
var Publication = P.webPublication.register("");
function serviceUser(serviceUser)
Sets the service user group code that will be impersonated for all requests to the publication. A service user is impersonated to allow permissions to be enforced and data to be safely exposed to anonymous requests.
Example usage:
var Publication = P.webPublication.register(""). serviceUser("example:service-user:publisher");
Service user definition:
group example:group:publisher-service title: Publication Service group example:group:public-access member example:group:publisher-service service-user example:service-user:publisher title: Publication Service User group example:group:publisher-service
function use(feature)
Sets the publication to use the feature provided. Web publisher features act in much the same way as ordinary plugin features however they are intended to provide common functionality and composability for features that may be useful between publications. Web publication features are explained in further detail here.
Example usage:
var Publication = P.webPublication.register(""). serviceUser("example:service-user:publication"). use("example:common:search-page");
service “std:web_publisher:get_publication”
If other plugins need to retrieve a publication object, they can do so using this service. This takes a single argument, the hostname
of the publication.
Example usage:
var PUBLICATION_HOSTNAME = ""; var getPublicDownloadURL = function(file) { let publication = O.service("std:web_publisher:get_publication", PUBLICATION_HOSTNAME); return publication.urlForFileDownload(file); };
Defining publication behaviour
Publications require the layout and home url to be set, beyond that – publication behaviour is defined by using the publication’s interface.
function setHomePageUrlPath(urlPath)
Sets the URL for the home page of the publication to urlPath
Example usage:
function layout(E, context, blocks)
Returns the rendered template for a page in the publication. Each of the named blocks
will be rendered at their appropriate location in the layout, which will typically be defined on a per-publication basis.
Use the layout template to define the common layout for this publication. The main content for each page should be rendered within this layout in the special body
Further blocks can be defined in templates using Template functions.
Publication.layout(function(E, context, blocks) { return P.template("layout").render({ staticDirectoryUrl: P.staticDirectoryUrl, context: context, blocks: blocks }); });
Example layout template below showing how blocks can be checked for existence before rendering and also how to set up object specific category rendering.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head><title>context.pageTitle</title></head> <body> <header> <nav> <!-- Navigation bar --> </nav> </header> <main> if(blocks.heroImage) { render(blocks.heroImage) } <div class="row"> render(blocks.body) <div class="8-columns"> render(blocks.article) </div> <div class="4-columns"> <!-- Render object specific sidebar page parts first --> if(context.hint.objectKind) { std:web-publisher:page-part:render-category(concat("example:" context.hint.objectKind ":sidebar")) } render(blocks.sidebar) </div> </div> </main> <footer> <!-- Footer --> std:web-publisher:page-part:render-category("example:additional-footer") </footer> </body> </html>