Dates template functions

These template functions render JavaScript Date objects using standardised format strings for consistency.

They also accept date objects from the bundled date libraries.

If any other type of object is passed to the function, including undefined and null, the empty string is rendered.


Render the date in a compact manner, in the timezone of the current user.

For example: 02 Feb 2015


Render the date without abbreviations, in the timezone of the current user.

For example: 02 February 2015


Render the date and time, in the timezone of the current user.

For example: 02 Feb 2015, 14:23


Render a UTC date in a compact manner. (ignoring user’s timezone)

For example: 02 Feb 2015


Render a UTC date without abbreviations.

For example: 02 February 2015


Render a UTC date and time.

For example: 02 Feb 2015, 13:23


Render a UTC date and time in a manner suitable for sorting.

For example: 201502021323