Plugin local schema dictionaries

Each plugin has a set of local schema dictionaries, one for each type of schema object. These allow you to write A.Person instead of ATTR['std:type:person'], which is much easier to read.

The dictionary objects are made available to a plugin as arguments to the anonymous function generated by the platform to wrap your files are they’re loaded.

These dictionary objects inherit from the appropriate SCHEMA dictionaries so you can also use them for looking up API codes.

If you attempt to retrieve a local name or API code which isn’t defined, you’ll get an exception at runtime. The plugin will check that any local names are defined in the requirements.schema file.

If you want to write functionality which is conditional on schema objects existing, use the API codes, and the JavaScript in operator to check whether they’re defined, for example ("std:type:person" in T).

Local dictionaries

Local dictionary Contains Inherits from
T Types TYPE
A Attributes ATTR
Q Qualifiers QUAL
AA Aliased attributes ALIASED_ATTR
Group Groups GROUP
Label Labels LABEL

Dictionaries are only generated if there is at least one entry of that type in the requirements.schema file. A is always available because it contains the implied A.Type, A.Title, A.Parent entries which do not have to be declared in the requirements file.


If you include this line in your requirements.schema file:

    type std:type:person as Person

the T local schema dictionary will be generated, and you can refer to the ref of the type as T.Person in your code.