
Constructs a new object implementing the WorkUnit interface.

The save() function must be called to commit the work unit and actually create it within the system.

Default properties

The following properties are set by default, unless overridden by the constructor arguments.

Property Default value
openedAt The current date and time
createdBy O.currentUser
actionableBy O.currentUser
visible true
autoVisible true

Note that the current user may be the SYSTEM user unless a request is active, or a user has been explicitly set with O.impersonating().


It can be called in two ways, one with a simple workType argument, and the other with a JavaScript Object as a dictionary of properties.

If the workType does not contain a : character, an exception will be thrown.

function O.work.create(workType)

When called with a String argument, a WorkUnit is created with the default properties and the given work type.

The workType should be in the form plugin_name:type to avoid clashes.

function O.work.create(properties)

When called with a JavaScript Object argument containing the properties as listed in the WorkUnit interface, a new WorkUnit is created with those properties. If one of the default properties is not specified, it is given the default value.

The properties argument must contain a workType property.


The first form creates a work unit with default properties and a given workType, then properties are modified afterwards.

var workUnit1 = O.work.create("example_plugin:publish");
workUnit1.actionableBy = GROUP["example:group:publishers"];

The work unit must be saved with an explicit save(). The create() function only creates a JavaScript object representing a potential work unit.

Alternatively, all the properties can be specified in the argument to the create() function.

var workUnit2 = O.work.create({
    workType: "example_plugin:number_crunch", // must be included
    actionableBy: GROUP["example:group:publishers"]